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Mar 29, 2022- Prof Jia Zhu's lecture

Ms. Dechai Zhao Successfully Defended Her Ph. D. Thesis
2021年11月5日下午,中科院过程工程研究所的博士研究生赵德偲同学顺利通过博士学位论文答辩。本次答辩会议在过程大厦A座308会议室举行,并采用线下和网络会议相结合的方式。赵德偲同学的博士论文题目为《中空多壳 ...2021-11-24

Mr. Jilu Zhao Successfully Defended His Ph. D. Thesis
2021年11月12日下午,本课题组博士研究生赵吉路同学在过程大厦1508会议室采用线上和线下相结合的方式进行了博士论文答辩,顺利通过答辩。赵吉路同学的博士论文题目为《复杂中空多壳层结构的制备及其储能性质研究 ...2021-11-23

Nov. 20, 2020, Prof Pan Feng's lectrue

,诚挚欢迎热爱科研、勤奋刻苦、认真负责、有上进心的年轻人加入团队!研究团队简介:首席研究员PI王丹,研究员,博士生导师。国家杰出青年基金获得者,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,科睿唯安全球高被引科学家 ...2020-07-07

Nov 11, 2021- Prof Zhonghua Xiang's lecture

Oct 18, 2021- Dr Ma Lulu's lectrue

Jun 18, 2021- Prof Rosei's Lecture

May 22, 2021- Prof Zijian Zheng's lecture

Feb 3, 2021-Prof. Shubin Yang's Lecture

Materials Chemistry Frontiers Forum-Prof. Peidong YANG's Lecture

Mr. Salhabi, Esmail Husein M Successfully Defended His Ph. D. Thesis
On the afternoon of May 23, 2019, doctoral candidate Mr Salhabi, Esmail Husein M successfully passed the Doctoral Thesis Defense with an excellent grade The Thesis De ...2019-06-28


May 20, 2019. Prof. FengLi’s lecture

May 14, 2019-Prof. Peng Cheng's Lecture

May 14, 2019-Prof. Lasheng Long's Lecture

May 13, 2019-Prof. Patrice Simon's Lecture

April 22, 2019, Prof. Min-hui LI's Lecture

April 19, 2019-Materials Chemistry Frontiers Forum-Prof. He TIAN's Lecture

  Publications MORE+

234.Rational Design of Coordination Polymers Composited Hollow Multishelled Structures for Drug Delivery
Qian Xiao, Lingling Shang, Yang Peng, Ludan Zhang, Yanze Wei,* Decai Zhao,* Yasong Zhao, Jiawei Wan, Yuguang Wang,* Dan ...05/02

233.Bio-inspired enzyme-immobilized nanoreactors with cascade catalytic reaction for accurate detection of cholesterol
Jing Xiong, Lingling Shang, Decai Zhao,* and Dan Wang*, SCIENCE CHINA Materials, 2024, DOI: 10 1007 s40843-024-2936-3 http...04/25

232.Enhanced uranium extraction from seawater: from the viewpoint of kinetics and thermodynamics
Sania Shabbir, Nailiang Yang* and Dan Wang*, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 4937-4960 https: pubs rsc org en content articlelandin...04/23

230. Relocatable Hollow Multishelled Structure-Based Membrane Enables Dendrite-Free Lithium Deposition for Ultrastable Lithium Metal Batteries
Peng Wei, Haoyu Wang, Mei Yang, Jiangyan Wang*, Dan Wang*, Advanced Energy Materials,2024,...03/20

229.Mass Transfer Modulation by Hollow Multi-Shelled Structures for High Space-Time Yield Synthesis of Light Olefins from Syngas
Zijian Wang, Yanze Wei, Jian Qi*, Jiawei Wan, Zumin Wang, Ranbo Yu*, Dan Wang*, Advanced Functional Materials,2024,2316547 ...03/04

228.Recent progress and challenges in crystalline graphdiyne
Xinkang Liu, Yasong Zhao*, Jiang Du*, Dan Wang*, 2024, DOI:10 1007 s40843-023-2735-6 https: link springer com article 10...02/14

227.ZnO HoMS@ZIF-8 Nanoreactors for Efficient Enrichment and Photo-Reduction of Atmospheric CO2
Yanze Wei, Juan Li, Decai Zhao, Yasong Zhao, Qinghua Zhang, Lin Gu, Jiawei Wan and Dan Wang*, CCS Chemistry, 2024, DOI:...01/24

192. Highly Efficient Photothermal Conversion and Water Transport During Solar Evaporation Enabled by Amorphous Hollow Multishelled Nanocomposites
Xuanbo Chen,Nailiang Yang,Yanlei Wang,Hongyan He,Jiangyan Wang,Jiawei Wan,Hongyu Jiang,Bo Xu,Liming Wang,Ranbo Yu,Lianming Tong,...11/13
Links: 2nd Hollow Nanostructured Materials Materials Chemistry Frontiers Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Institute of Process Engineering CAS

Institute of process engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences http://www.ipe.cas.cn/

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