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current position: homepage > Achievement > paper > 2012
81.Morphology-tailored synthesis of flower-like Y2O3:Eu3+ microspheres

Xuecheng Yan, Ranbo Yu*, Yali Xu, Li Li, Pengfei Xu, Dan Wang*, Jinxia Deng, Jun Chen, Xianran Xing, Materials Research Bulletin 2012,47,2135-2139


81.Morphology-tailored synthesis of flower-like Y2O3:Eu3+ microspheres

80.Facile synthesis of Au@TiO2 core–shell hollow spheres for dye-sensitized solar cells with remarkably improved efficiency

Jiang Du, Jian Qi, Dan Wang*  and  Zhiyong Tang*, Energy & Environmental Science 2012, 5, 6914-6918.


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80.Facile synthesis of Au@TiO2 core–shell hollow spheres for dye-sensitized solar cells with remarkably improved efficiency

79.Facile Synthesis of Surfactant-Free Au Cluster/Graphene Hybrids for High-Performance Oxygen Reduction Reaction

Huajie Yin, Hongjie Tang, Dan Wang, Yan Gao*, and Zhiyong Tang* Acs Nano, 2012, 6, 8288-8297.


79.Facile Synthesis of Surfactant-Free Au Cluster/Graphene Hybrids for High-Performance Oxygen Reduction Reaction

78.Recent advances in micro-/nano-structured hollow spheres for energy applications: From simple to complex systems

Xiaoyong Lai,  Jonathan E  Halperta  and  Dan Wang*,Energy & Environmental Science 2012,5,5604-5618


78.Recent advances in micro-/nano-structured hollow spheres for energy applications: From simple to complex systems

77.Accurate Control of Multishelled ZnO Hollow Microspheres for Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells with High Efficiency

Zhenghong Dong, Xiaoyong Lai, Jonathan E Halpert, Nailiang Yang, Luoxin Yi, Jin Zhai, Dan Wang*, Zhiyong Tang*, Lei Jiang, Advanced Materials 2012,24,1046-1049


77.Accurate Control of Multishelled ZnO Hollow Microspheres for Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells with High Efficiency

76.A Novel and Highly Efficient Photocatalyst Based on P25–Graphdiyne Nanocomposite

Shuo Wang, Luoxin Yi, Jonathan E  Halpert, Xiaoyong Lai, Yuanyuan Liu, Hongbin Cao, Ranbo Yu*, Dan Wang*, Yuliang Li, Small 2012,8,265-271


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SCIENCE CHINA MATERIALS, 2015, 58, 347-348.

76.A Novel and Highly Efficient Photocatalyst Based on P25–Graphdiyne Nanocomposite

75.Synthesis of Cu3SnS4 nanocrystals and nanosheets by using Cu31S16 as seeds

Luoxin Yi, Dan Wang*  and  Mingyuan Gao* CrystEngComm 2012,14,401-404


75.Synthesis of Cu3SnS4 nanocrystals and nanosheets by using Cu31S16 as seeds

74.Water-Soluble Monodispersed Lanthanide Oxide Submicrospheres: PVP-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis, Size-Control and Luminescence Properties

Ying Cui, Xiaoyong Lai, Li Li, Zhudong Hu, Shuo Wang, Jonathan E  Halpert,Ranbo Yu,* and Dan Wang* Chemphyschem 2012,13,2610-2614


74.Water-Soluble Monodispersed Lanthanide Oxide Submicrospheres: PVP-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis, Size-Control and Luminescence Properties

73.Hierarchical Hydroxyapatite Microspheres Composed of Nanorods and Their Competitive Sorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions

Ronghai Zhu, Xiaoyong Lai,  Jonathan E  Halpert,  Ranbo Yu*,  Dan Wang*, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2012, 16, 2665-2668


 73.Hierarchical Hydroxyapatite Microspheres Composed of Nanorods and Their Competitive Sorption Behavior for Heavy Metal Ions

72.Enhanced Light Harvesting in Plasmonic Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells by Using a Topologically Ordered Gold Light‐Trapping Layer

Nailiang Yang, Qi Yuan, Jin Zhai*, Tianxin Wei, Dan Wang*, Lei Jiang, Chemsuschem 2012,5,572-576


72.Enhanced Light Harvesting in Plasmonic Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells by Using a Topologically Ordered Gold Light‐Trapping Layer

71.Granum‐Like Stacking Structures with TiO2–Graphene Nanosheets for Improving Photo‐electric Conversion
Nailiang Yang, Yu Zhang,  Jonathan E Halpert,  Jin Zhai*,  Dan Wang*,  Lei Jiang, Small, 2012, 8, 1762-1770.

71.Granum‐Like Stacking Structures with TiO2–Graphene Nanosheets for Improving Photo‐electric Conversion

Links: 2nd Hollow Nanostructured Materials Materials Chemistry Frontiers Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Institute of Process Engineering CAS

Institute of process engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences http://www.ipe.cas.cn/

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